Women in the Arts, "18 Days", Santa Fe, NM

Center 19, U of T, Center for American Architecture and Design, "Curtain",  art competition, exhibition and book,   Austin, TX

City of Santa Fe, "Architectural Photography"  Santa Fe, NM

1650 Gallery, "Splash",  Echo Park, CA
Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, "Home", Honorable Mention, Santa Fe, NM
Center for Fine Art Photography, "Faux", Fort Collins, CO
Edition One Gallery, "Transitions",  Santa Fe, NM

SE Center for Photography, "Portals", Greenville, SC
SE Center for Photography, "Abandoned", Greenville, SC

SE Center for photography, "Black and White & More",  Greenville, SC
SE Center for photography "HOME '19",   (2 entries juried in) Greenville, SC

Jayson McCoy Gallery, "Holiday Invitational", NY, NY
PhotoPlace Gallery, "Botanical", Middlebury, VT,
PhotoPlace Gallery, "The Poetry of the Ordinary", Honorable Mention, Middlebury, VT
PhotoPlace Gallery, "Composed", Middlebury, VT
PhotoPlace Gallery, "In Celebration of Trees", Middlebury, VT
PhotoPlace Gallery, "Color",  Middlebury, VT
SE Center for Photography, "Color", Greenville, SC
Cuba Seen Magazine “Layers”
SE Center for Photography, "The Contemporary Landscape", Greenville, SC
SE Center for Photography, "Members Show", Greenville, SC
SE Center for Photography, "Black White and Monochrome", Greenville, SC

PhotoPlace Gallery, "Botanical",  Middlebury, VT
SE Center for Photography, "Color", Greenville, SC
SE Center for Photography, "Black, White and Monochrome", Greenville, SC
PhotoPlace Gallery, "Poetry of the Ordinary",  Middlebury, VT
SE Center for Photography, "Members Show", Greenville, SC
Site Brooklyn “Series” Brooklyn, NY
New York Center for Photography “Primary Colors: Honorable Mention, NY, NY

PhotoPlace Gallery, "Capturing the Light",  Middlebury, VT
PhotoPlace Gallery, "Poetry of the Ordinary",  Middlebury, VT
SE Center for Photography, "The Contemporary Landscape", Greenville, SC
SE Center for Photography, "Members Show", Greenville, SC
SE Center for Photography, "Black and White and More", Greenville, SC
PhotoPlace Gallery, “Monochrome”, Greenville, SC

PhotoPlace Gallery, "Monochrome",  Middlebury, VT
SE Center for Photography “Black and White and More”, Greenville, SC
PhotoPlace Gallery, "Traces", (two images juried in) Middlebury, VT
PhotoPlace Gallery, "Abstract",  Middlebury, VT
SE Center for Photography “Abandoned” (3 images juried in) Greenville, SC
Praxis Gallery, “ Empty Places: Abandoned Spaces”, Minneapolis, MN
PhotoPlace Gallery, “Monochrome” Middlebury, VT


Chiaroscuro Gallery, "Spring Thaw Group Show",  Santa Fe, NM  
(My Kyoto Windows series was the cover feature in Pasa Tiempo Magazine April 5, 2013)

Chiaroscuro Gallery, "Fall Group Show", Santa Fe, NM
Chiaroscuro Gallery, "Summer Group Show ", Santa Fe, NM

Chiaroscuro Gallery, "Holiday Group Show", Santa Fe, NM

"20 New Mexico Photographers",  Small Print Editions,  Santa Fe, NM
Hunter Museum, "Spectrum, Art Auction and Exhibit", Chattanooga, TN